I've read some fantastic things on the internet the past couple weeks, and I think you should read them too! :)
I love answering questions about homeschooling. There's just one (frequent) question that drives me bonkers. Jamie at See Jamie Blog, does a bang up job of answering said annoying question here.
I don't really have anything to say about this next one, except read it: RAD–the anti-adoption sign
I found this one really encouraging when you're in the trenches, but I also think it's an indispensable read for those about to embark on adoption or foster care: Romanticizing adoption? Don’t do it!
As an introvert, there are certain challenges to motherhood...you know, like being around small people All. The. Time. This post really spoke to me: The Introverted Mother
and two from The Matt Walsh Blog:
I’m an introvert, and I don’t need to come out of my shell --loved this one. I felt like it was specifically written for the 3/5 of my household that happens to be introverted.
A letter from a bullied kid --great advice for any kid dealing with the jerks of the world.
From Her.meneutics: We Don't Need Sexual Healing --a great post on sexual surrogacy
If you only have time to read one post today, make it this one.
If you're at all connected to the adoption world, you're probably familiar with a certain Reuters article of late. I love this response.
Please Pray for the People and Country of Syria
10 hours ago
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