I feel conflicted on Mothers Day. I love that my kids get so excited about it, and they love to celebrate me on this day...but I hate Mother's Day. I feel the dread creeping up about 2 weeks beforehand. I can remember so keenly the miserable mothers days I spent in years past: childless and begging God to make me a mother. I cannot help but feel that raw pain all over again when this day approaches. I think of all the women silently suffering on Mothers Day. Some desperate to be mothers, some desperate to have a close relationship with their own mothers, others suffering the grief of losing a child. It's a hard day for so many. While I love the bright smiles, cards, and gifts from my children, I weep for those in pain. I know that pain. Few things can hurt deeper than unfulfilled desires regarding the mother/child relationship.
Noel Piper wrote a Mother's Day blog post that resonated with me deeply:
When Mothers Day isn't a celebration
I encourage you to go read it--even if today is the happiest day of the year for you.
As for me, I'm going to end the day on a positive note with one of my very favorite quotes:
"There is an instinct in a woman to love most her own child - and an instinct to make any child who needs her love, her own."
~Robert Brault

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